The True Narrative of Covid 19

1. Covid 19 is a man-made bioweapon released from Wuhan Viral Lab.

2. Fauci and his accomplices gave critical technology and funding to China to develop a weapon of mass destruction.

3. Prehospital treatment of covid 19 was intentionally suppressed. Life saving information and medication was intentionally suppressed.

4. The Zelenko Protocol was developed mid-March 2020. Hydroxychloroquine / zinc / Azithromycin. This protocol reduced hospitalizations and death by 84%. Multiple studies have proven this to be scientific truth.

5. Academic fraud, media false propaganda, and governmental malfeasance vilified prehospital treatment with the Zelenko Protocol.

6. Out of 600,000 dead Americans we could have saved 510,000.

7. The American people have been brutalized and are victims of mass murder and crimes against humanity.


1. Immediately endorse prehospital treatment and make it the standard of care.

2. Bring the criminals to justice.

Footnote: Source X22 Report Ep. 2494b