So Let Me Try And Wrap My Head Around This

Every time a Republican is president and the democrats are trying to unseat him, somehow there seems to be chaos in predominantly black communities where businesses and lives are shattered in those predominantly black communities, which just so happened to predominantly vote Democrat and this is somehow the republicans fault?

To make matters worse members of the government think that the common people are too stupid to use open public records act. They think that we are to stupid to realize past the manufactured race issues being driven by leaders that want a one world government and their paid for media. Videos are conveniently edited to omit certain facts like the person being out on parole and released early due to covid.

But Yeah Orange man bad.

The real reason the media wants you to stay home from a manufactured over hyped flu Is you would not be able to see that the world is not as chaotic as they painted to be. And you would have to trust them as an information source to try and light a fire in you to vote for change.