Here are facts about Freddie Gray. Rioters in Baltimore, MD DESTROYED homes and businesses on behalf of this criminal!

Freddie Gray had a pre-existing spinal and neck injury and had severe nerve damage and scar tissue from an accident that Allstate Insurance was paying him for, in a structured settlement. This monthly payment and drug money were his means of support. Freddie had had several unsuccessful spinal fusion surgeries over the past 4 1/2 years. His most recent spinal/cervical operation was a week and a half before he was arrested on April 12. He was on doctor's orders to remain home and in bed to speed recovery from that major operation. Instead, Freddie was out manufacturing and distributing drugs on the streets of Baltimore, and strenuously resisting arrest.

Freddie had a long criminal history (rap sheet): many pages long for manufacturing and distributing drugs and controlled substances, including heroin, cocaine, crack cocaine and marijuana. He had been convicted of numerous other felonies including assault, firearms violations, breaking and entering, armed robbery, receiving stolen property, and the list goes on and on from his 18th birthday. In Baltimore County, juvenile records are forever sealed except by judicial order. (www.mdjudiciarycaseresearch) Freddie, known on the streets as "Pepper", was 25 years old, 5'8" and weighed 145 lbs. when last arrested. He had been incarcerated at least 12 times, the longest stretch being 2 years in prison in Maryland.

Freddie had recently tried to convert his structured settlement from Allstate into a lump sum payment from Peachtree Funding, of Atlanta. Friends say he was confused by the paperwork and legal terminology.

Following his arrest, Freddie was placed into the paddy wagon by the police officers who had arrested him ---- black officers, all of them. He could have easily slipped on the floor or bench, or twisted his neck or shoulders to reopen his recently fused and weakened spine. Enroute to the County jail, the paddy wagon stopped once so that officers could put leg restraints on Freddie to calm him down and restrict his movement.

Freddie was a dangerous career felon, well-known to the BPD officers, with a damaged and healing spine and neck, and was supposed to be home healing a week and a half after surgery. He should not have been running around on the streets of Baltimore committing drug felonies and resisting arrest.

So why are so many residents of Baltimore destroying their own city with looting and arson?

Likely, they don't have the facts.

By the way, none of the BPD officers who arrested Freddy has ever had a complaint against them for brutality or use of excessive force. And three of them, including a female supervisor were black! But we didn't hear that from the amerikan communist media, did we!

Freddie Grays arrest record:

03-20-15 dealing cocaine
08-28-08 possession of narcotics
10-05-12 illegal gambling
01-25-14 possession of narcotics over 10 grams
08-24-07 manufacturing and distribution narcotics
08/29-07 distribution of narcotics
09-16-08 distribution of narcotics
04-16-08 distribution of narcotics
05-09-12 distribution of narcotics
01-04-15 distribution of narcotics
12-31-14 distribution of narcotics
05-13-14 stolen property
07-16-08 distribution of narcotics
03-28-08 possession of narcotics
02-12-08 distribution of narcotics
09-29-13 distribution of narcotics
12-04-14 distribution of narcotics
12-04-14 possession of narcotics
03-20-08 burglary
03-20-08 possession of narcotics
09-21-07 distribution of narcotics
04-30-08 unlawful possession (two counts)

(Source Maryland Dept. of Justice)

Note: And for this the brilliant citizens and union thugs who brought in professional rioters wrecked the city, destroyed businesses, and hurt innocent people. There is a reason I was never appointed police commissioner. It would have stopped within several hours! But what happened is right out of the Obama/Hitler playbook..