Be Afraid - Be Very Afraid

Check it out. We are at war whether you like it or not. A nearly 60 million person army now occupies Europe. 60 million is the estimate of Muslim's now in Europe. If you value your head please take note and please take your upcoming vote this year seriously. The choices are not the best but a couple are far worse than the other. Spread this to everyone you know. As the sheep are separated from the goats, please count yourself among the sheep.

View the pictures below and decide how you really feel about the future of the World.

These pictures are of Muslims marching through the streets of London during their 'Religion of Peace Demonstration.'


Why would anyone think that we should be at war with such nice, peaceful Moslems?!

You need to forward this one to everyone! These Pictures tell it all!

Muslims have stated that England will be the first country they take over!

These pictures are not shown on American TV or in American Newspapers (as they might help Bush's war on terror or offend some Muslims here in America), but were forwarded to me by a Canadian Friend who thought Americans ought to know!