A retired FBI agent initially posted these questions that need to be asked of Robert Mueller and EX-FBI James Comey

Mr. Comey, isn’t it true that you were an assistant U.S. attorney for a prosecutor between 1996 and 2003?

In your official capacity at the Department of Justice, did you investigate and did you clear Bill Clinton of any wrongdoing for extending a presidential pardon to Marc Rich, a fugitive from justice, a fugitive of the United States?

Isn’t it true that between 2003 and 2005, you held a position with the office of the Attorney General?

Isn’t it true that in 2005, you resigned from the Department of Justice and accepted a job as the senior vice-president with the office of general counsel at Lockheed Martin, a company that is a major, major military contractor?

Isn’t it true that in 2010, when you were employed with Lockheed Martin, Lockheed won 17 approvals for private contracts with the Department of State while Hillary Clinton was the Secretary of State?

Isn’t it true that in 2010, while you were employed with Lockheed Martin, Lockheed became a major contributor to the Clinton Foundation and non-profit organizations?

Isn’t it true that in late 2010, after Lockheed was awarded those contracts by the Hillary Clinton State Department, you stepped down from Lockheed and received a $6 million payout for your services?

Isn’t it true that in 2013, the largest bank of England, HSBC, was being investigated by federal authorities for laundering billions of dollars for the Mexican drug cartels, channeling money to the Middle East, specifically Iran, which is in violation of law?

Isn’t it true that Robert Mueller, former director of the FBI and now the special counsel to investigate the alleged “collusion” between the Trump campaign and Russia… isn’t it true that Mr. Mueller was the chief counsel at HSBC… the same bank that was laundering money for the cartels?

Isn’t it true that HSBC was a significant Clinton Foundation contributor?