What To Stockpile Besides Food

Anyone who starts prepping pretty much starts out the same way, stockpiling food and water. That's actually a very good starting point, but it doesn't take long for anyone to realize that when things go bad, they are going to need a whole lot more than just food and water to stay alive.

If you think about it for just a moment, you realize that there's a huge amount of products that we use on a daily basis. While some of those aren't necessary, many are to some extent. If any crisis situation comes along which disrupts the supply lines, we won't have those items available to us. In that case, we'll either need to have them on hand or come up with some sort of substitute for them.

In most cases, it's easier to have them on hand; or at least have enough of them on hand to keep us going for a while. After that, we'll have to come up with some alternative way of functioning without those items.

So, what sorts of items should we be stockpiling, besides food and water?

As you can see, there are a lot of items on this list, and I won't even claim that it's complete. The thing is that we need much more than just food and water to survive. Start looking at what you use on a daily or weekly basis and think about what you would do if you couldn't get it. If you have another alternative, that's great; but if you really need it, you'd better start stockpiling it.

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