The Importance Of An Underground Bunker During A Disaster Scenario

With so many things going bad all around the world, it's no wonder that  many people have developed an interest for prepping and the survivalist lifestyle. If you come to think about it, it's a natural reaction, I mean, who could blame them? 

There are so many scary developments out there, ranging from natural disasters  to manmade ones, like wars and failing industrial equipment (think about Fukushima folks!).

In this day and age, it's pretty hard to make your family feel safe anymore. The society became so alienated, that sometimes you can't even trust your next door neighbor. 

Prepping is the new parlance of our times. Getting ready for all sort of things, including an economic collapse or a natural disaster became almost a natural, autoimmune reaction to our profoundly sick society.

If you wrap your mind around it, if you want to be 100% protected against almost all types of disasters, including natural (floods, tornadoes) and manmade ones (EMP/Chemical/Nuclear attacks/fallout) , an underground bunker is the obvious answer. Yes, you got that right, the underground bunker is becoming increasingly popular among doomsday preppers and survivalists. And for a good reason folks!

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Basically, building your own underground bunker (or shelter if you prefer) is not very complicated and it doesn't require a huge investment. Actually, an underground shelter can be built at a very reasonable price, especially if you're ready (and you have the skills) to put some of your own labor into it. If you're not the handy type of person, you can use some professional services, but the basic construction materials are quite cheap. There are lots of cost-effective methods for building yourself an underground bunker, all you need to do is some research and have the determination to get the job done.

The next step is to stockpile imperishable foods and water inside your bunker. Again, most of these items are relatively inexpensive, especially canned meat, fruits and veggies; another must-have foods (also very cheap and nutritive) you'll need to stockpile are bulk items, like beans, rice and seeds. Keep in mind that you'll need plenty of water, to last you and your family for a long period of time. You must consider investing in water filters and chemical means for purifying contaminated water, like iodine tablets (there are lots of methods for doing that, you should do your homework online).

Air purification is crucial in a survival situation, especially inside of an underground shelter. Chemical weapons and nuclear fallout have long lasting effects over the atmosphere, hence the air quality inside of your bunker must be your top concern. Don't hesitate to invest in a top-notch air purifier and also provide your bunker with proper ventilation.

Another essential item for an underground bunker is a power generator. Batteries are viable solutions for small appliances like radios and flashlights, but when it comes to heating/cooking/other vital equipment, a portable generator is the answer.

Last but not least, you must realize a simple fact : you can't predict everything, so you should expect the unexpected, your scenario is as good as mine and anything can happen : an economic collapse, an EMP attack, nuclear fallout, a terrorist attack that disrupts the infrastructure, our government gone rogue against its citizens, all these things are capable of destroying the fabric of our society. Don't take the risks lightly, just look around at all the madness in the world and start preparing now, until it's too late!

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