Travel Privacy: Principles and Solutions

Microchips may be implanted into your clothing from head to foot, you’re told. Giant department stores can pull up your entire life’s history, once they’ve recognized your mug and stored it into their database of names, addresses, and Social Security numbers. You fear the “new world order,” with its private army of police and mercenaries. Uninformed talking heads and storyteller authors promise that this shadowy, secretive power knows all about you—and that you can do nothing about it.

And, your car—my gosh, it’s an open book to government henchmen, toll-road collectors, law enforcement, obsessive ex’s, or anyone with the money and moxie to “run” your license plates. Why, they can tap into any number of online databases and track you to your door. Right? WRONG!

You’ve been lied to, given “fantasy facts” from hungry talk show hosts pushing “big brother” paranoia. Or you’ve been taken in by the pipedreams of amateurish privacy authors. They all have one agenda: to scare you silly, sell you cheap paperbacks, keep you from changing the dial, and pocket the profits you bring them because they’ve filled you—the privacy seeker hungry for information—with worry and panic about the insurmountable problems of present or future government control.

Don’t believe it! You can have all the privacy you need as you travel by car in the U.S.A.—today. Will this all change in the future—and will the government someday disable all your privacy rights as you drive? I don’t know. But for now, you can drive discreetly when you understand how to get what you need. To drive privately, you do have to know what you’re doing. So make up your mind to model your privacy plan around principles, concepts, and methods that actually work, while adding your own people skills and creative genius to the mix.

Do you believe your personal automobile matters should be your business only—or do you want all government goofs with password clearance to know YOUR business? I, for one, insist on having privacy and will not relinquish control to anyone. I especially do not want anyone—law enforcement included—to identify me as I drive. If the police, highway patrol, or sheriff stop me and ask to see “my papers,” yes, I’ll provide them—and then be on my merry way. But “running the plates” of the car I’m driving through any automated tracking systems or databases of registered owners of automobiles, as I’m cruising peacefully along, will yield a big fat nothing about me, the driver. I’ve seen to that.

And that’s the way it should be. Free citizens are supposed to be afforded basic privacy rights, per the Constitution. Without these basic rights, you’ll be a slave of sorts to various facets of government—the supposed servants of a free people.

Want to duplicate my automobile travel privacy plan? Read on.

I have been successfully practicing high-level driving and travel privacy for many years, and you can do the same. So buckle down and learn how, if privacy is your goal. Stop listening to the nay-sayers and pessimists. They either have an interest in convincing you that you’ll fail, or they want you to join them on the pity pot.

You don’t have to bow down to government or give up any privacy, when you understand how to utilize the proper tools and methods to accomplish your objectives. You don’t have to cater to government agency clerks or do it big bureaucrat’s way. So prepare, study, plan, and accomplish your privacy goals, while making certain the car you drive provides no personal information about you.

Essentially, the plan necessary for privacy as you drive is to use a front entity—a trust—to hold title to the car you use for travel and make certain that you—the trustee and normal driver—are not on the paperwork associated with the registration. This ensures that only the trust’s name and the address will be on record—not the trustee’s (driver of the car) information.

Successful privacy seekers and trustees have provided limited portions of a trust holding title to the car, to the Department of Motor Vehicles, Department of Transportation, or other state agency that handles automobile registrations. Generally, the title page—the page stating the trust has a right to own property—and the signature page with the trustee(s) name and notarized signature—are all that is really necessary for the agency’s files. Savvy privacy practitioners do not hand over a full copy of the trust to agency clerks but rather deal with high-level supervisors and advise them of the confidentiality of the trust. They emphasize their responsibility as manager (trustee) of the trust, and they get all this done while making certain not to have their name as trustee on the registration or title. Also, the most successful privacy advocates—those who really live the privacy lifestyle—do not use their driver’s licenses during the registration process. Instead, a U.S. passport is a good primary identification choice.

Do not confuse the issue of registration with driver license requirements. Registration is placing the owner of the automobile on record with the state agency, and one can control ownership of the vehicle without driving intentions and without presenting any driver’s license. Generally, the name of the trustee is placed deep in the paperwork associated with the vehicle registration file. The name of the trustee must not be on the automobile registration, for driving privacy. This is crucial, so supervise the supervisor(s), and make certain it’s done right. For example, an automobile owned by the XYZ Irrevocable Trust, with Martha Stewallerstinchfield as trustee, will be titled only as the XYZ trust—without mention of Martha as the trustee.

Certain trustees will not want to register the car themselves and will opt for appointing an “administrative trustee” for that purpose. The administrative trustee will be written into the trust and will have non-controlling duties and no management responsibilities and will only do minor biddings—signing state papers and the like—to keep the real trustee, the decision maker of the trust’s affairs, unknown to all.

Because the automobile is generally a quick link to whoever drives it, private registration enables individuals to thwart the efforts of all would-be intruders. Ever been followed as you drive? When the car is registered privately, it will provide nothing except the name of the anonymous owner—the trust—with a mailing address unrelated to your home.

Registering an automobile properly for privacy purposes requires the correct information, as well as the correct tools, i.e., a trust, administrative trustee (if necessary), and the persistence and time to make sure it’s done right. Once it’s done all legally and proper, without mention of the driver on the registration, you—or whoever drives the car—are on the way to anonymous travel. This is a valuable privacy practice, as there will then be no way to tie your name to the auto you drive, and you’ll escape threats from those who attempt to find your name and address by tracing ownership of the car you are driving. This is especially valuable for the avoidance of would-be stalkers, identity thieves, obsessive ex’s, and others wishing to steal property or harm you.

A reader utilized the travel privacy principles and concepts found in my e-book, Privacy Crisis ( and supplied the following letter as a testimony on the merits of this information. You as a consumer can, even today, have total privacy as you drive your car.

Before sharing the letter, let me make clear that I do not advocate breaking laws or failing to provide proper restitution for any violated law or traffic violation, no matter how small. In fact, it’s our responsibility to follow the rule of law—traffic laws included—in order to ensure safety and order as we drive and live in the U.S.A.

Here now is the direct quote from an e-mail from an unidentified reader of the book, Privacy Crisis: Identity Theft Prevention Plan and Guide to Anonymous Living (

Dear Mr. Hall,

Recently, while traveling in a major city, a security camera captured the trust-owned car’s license plate number and a picture of the “driver” while traveling.

The “trustee” who registered the car followed your instructions to the letter and made certain only the trust’s name and address was included on the Department of Motor Vehicles registration records.

Your privacy recommendations concerning the automobile prevented the driver from being identified as she drives, by everyone, as this particular agency would be able to obtain this information if anyone can.

A letter from this state agency, complete with a photograph of the driver and automobile, was received at the mailing address of the trust and requests were made for the driver’s name and address.

The trust’s name and address—the owner and title-holder—is all that is on state records. As for facial recognition technology, forget about it.

Anonymous Driver


In order to achieve privacy as you drive, it’s necessary to utilize a front entity to hold title to the car. Following years of research, I’ve discovered a trust to be the most private and practical entity for this purpose.

The trustee or administrative trustee will be able to register the car. It’s necessary to have the car titled only in the trust’s name and have only the trust’s address on the government paperwork to make certain the usual driver— the trustee(s)—is not linked to the automobile by name. This can be done. I’ve done it for years and explain every single detail in the book, Privacy Crisis in the travel section.

Often, I hear the beginning privacy seeker make comments or complaints about the additional costs of living a private lifestyle. Privacy, because it requires extra effort, facilities, and tools, ALWAYS costs more than living as the masses do. Or does it?

How much is it worth to protect you and your family’s privacy and security from those who wish to steal property or do you harm? How much is it worth for you to be unknown to those attempting to trace you for any malicious purpose? Unless you are sure to have no links to the car you’re driving, your life is an open book to those resourceful enough to take the trouble to “run” your license plates through any number of databases publicly available to online buyers for nominal fees.

Once all the benefits of travel privacy are considered, it becomes an attractive option and worth the time, effort, and money involved to make it happen.

For complete information on all aspects of travel privacy, see the e-book, Privacy Crisis: Identity Theft Prevention Plan and Guide to Anonymous Living available at:


1. Hall, Grant, Privacy Crisis: Identity Theft Prevention Plan and Guide to Anonymous Living, James Clark King, LLC, 2006, available at:

Copyright: James Clark King, LLC, January, 2008