Right To Privacy: Obama Birth Certificate

The election and inauguration are final and the new President’s questionable place of birth is on the mind of many. A family member has stated she witnessed his birth in a Kenyan hospital. Lawsuits filed to force Obama to produce an original birth certificate fall on deaf ears in all but a few media sources, and the court ruled that attorney, Philip Berg does not have standing.

Internet sources suggest hundreds of thousands of petitioners want the case heard. Still, Mr. Obama continues as President with few waves made over the pressing question in the minds of many. Is the President a United States Citizen?

Would producing an original birth certificate be an invasion of privacy for Mr. Obama? No. I was advised to bring my valid birth certificate to an interview with a government agency for my first job out of college if I wanted to be hired. I did. I was. I’ll bet you have been requested to do the same-for something important during your lifetime.

Mr. Obama, this is important to us. Produce an original birth certificate for the American people who elected you to our highest office.

Copyright: James Clark King, LLC, February 27, 2009