Offshore Mailing Address And Your Right To Privacy

Editors Note: Grant Hall utilizes privacy methods found in his writings and has used mail nominees for privacy for many years as described in his best-selling, eBook, Privacy Crisis: Identity Theft Prevention and Guide to Anonymous Living. (


Worried about the current tyrannical government stealing your privacy rights? Thinking about moving offshore to escape the threat of having your constitutional rights taken away? You can “move” offshore without taking a step away from your computer. And you should, if you want the ultimate secrecy from the various, privacy-invasive, computerized, data bases that are accessed by a number of government agencies and private companies.

You can thwart the efforts of the most sophisticated private investigators, savvy identity thieves, persistent stalkers or any other enemies who may have you in their proverbial sights and wish to upset your way of life.


Through the use of a mailing address out of your home country, you can foil the efforts of all predators who may want to track you for any number of reasons. I coined the phrase, “mail nominee” in my best-selling, privacy, eBook, Privacy Crisis: Identity Theft Prevention Plan and Guide to Anonymous Living ( and as far as I know, this is an original term.

 Mail nominees are private individuals or businesses who agree to accept mail on your behalf, hold it, and forward it as per your instructions. This new address will allow all who pull up your personal and confidential information through data bases to believe your whereabouts are many miles from where you actually sleep.


Unlike the infamous Commercial Mail Receiving Agencies, (CMRA’s) in the U.S.A., you will find some offshore mail receiving companies that will agree to receive, hold, and forward mail as per your instructions-all without requiring you to provide government issued identification to set up the service.

 CMRA’s are required by their boss and competition, the United States Postal Service to require their customers to apply for their service and be approved by the post office prior to their mail being received by the CMRA. I’ve always been amazed by this practice and continue to recommend these companies be avoided by privacy seekers.

For years and years, I have coordinated the setting up of an agreement with an offshore, mail nominee by email and faxes. Further, once the account is set up, it is possible to provide instructions for holding and forwarding your mail by email entirely.


While nearly everyone can be found when enough time, effort and money is expended, an offshore mail nominee will enhance your privacy greatly and make it very expensive for anyone attempting to meet you face to face. And, when you do not provide an identity document for the mail nominee, you have little risk of having your identity stolen. In fact, keeping identification document numbers, dates of birth and addresses out of data bases is paramount to keeping your location a secret.


Hall, Grant, Privacy Crisis: Identity Theft Prevention Plan and Guide to Anonymous Living, James Clark King, LLC, 2006,

Copyright: James Clark King, LLC, February 1, 2006