Live Off The Grid; How To Disappear Completely And Never Be Found

Information was provided to the author by a reader who requested anonymity and this summary is provided for educational purposes.

Living off the grid enabled Bill Moore to disappear completely and never be found. Bill was ordered by child support collection in a western state to pay for the support of a baby some years ago. Bill questioned the decision and DNA testing proved the baby was not fathered by Bill. Still, the court order was not changed and Bill faced court damages. After a few years of futile court battling without the order being changed, Bill gave up completely on the U.S. court system and began the process of protecting his privacy. He learned how to disappear completely and never be found.

Bill operates a website business from a laptop computer in his motor home. He utilizes banking secrecy and is able to live off the grid part time or entirely. Third party utility bills enable him to keep his name off traceable databases without the use of a nominee, and there are times Bill chooses to rough it by dry camping and using his generator as a source of power.

Through the use of principles and concepts as described in Privacy Crisis, Bill is able to travel, bank, work, and live secretly.

While this is an unusual case and the system clearly failed Bill, it is interesting to see how one man has been able to beat the system while living off the grid.

Copyright: James Clark King, LLC, December 18, 2009