Grant Hall’s Right To Privacy Revolution: Money Privacy, First of a Series

Granddad believed wars are unnecessary, guns a necessity and money privacy to be a basic freedom.

"The Swiss haven’t gone to war in over 600 years," he explained as we crossed the fence after placing the rifles under the wire first. "Every family has an automatic rifle in their house," he continued. "Our money and property are no one else’s business," he said.

As a boy, I began to understand the value and meaning of freedoms adults are supposed to enjoy. Sadly, as a man, I see many losing their privacy rights. People are having their constitutional rights stolen as government agencies conjure up one phony pretext after another-all designed to track you and your money.

This is a government gone mad. I have refused to give up my privacy. Will you join me?

Since money is the lifeblood of a tyrannical government, you can be certain they want to track as much of the citizens’ "stored labor" as possible. For decades, they’ve done just that to most every man and woman in the U.S.A. All under whatever guise was in vogue at the time. Drug dealers, money launderers, tax cheats, dead beat dads, terrorists and terrorism-it matters not what name or label they use to fool the public fools. The result is the same; total control over you through the tracing and tracking of your money. Stop this nonsense! Join me in a revolution to take back all of your money privacy.

This article is about keeping your money out of reach of everyone-especially government so that you won’t fall into the trap so many have been caught in and lose what you’ve earned.

Serious privacy seekers place banking secrecy at the top of their privacy list. Without freedom from prying eyes into one’s money and property affairs, freedom is an illusion believed only by sheeple-those followers who need someone else to tell them what to do with everything, including their money.

If you read my book, Privacy Crisis: Identity Theft Prevention Plan and Guide to Anonymous Living (, and some of my articles, you already know where I stand on the subject. Also, just so you’ll know, I’ve had plenty of practice keeping what’s under my control a secret. Everything I write about, I’ve done personally so you can count on my recommendations working in real time while under fire.

First and foremost, privacy advocates can follow my lead and obtain banking services without a bank.

For personal funds earned from wages, salary or commissions and certain business receipts, I suggest you consider using a check cashing store rather than a bank.

Many banks are going out of business, becoming socialized-or communized by Hank Paulson and his band of thieves. This is the opinion of this experienced, writer.

Citibank (C) common stock broke into new multi-year low territory and now trades below $3.00 and Bank of America (BAC) is at $5.00 and change as this article is written. The reason these are significant numbers is because these huge, money center banks have now lost credibility with the street and once a stock trades below the $5.00 level, the security is not marginable. Institutions and big traders generally do not deal in these "lower quality" stocks.

Since neither of the aforementioned companies were service oriented in this writer’s opinion, they certainly won’t be as your government attempts to socialize them and make banks into a full-fledged government agency. Do you need the hassles and headaches of bureaucrats just to store your money?

I believe the decision is yours, but want to advise you that commercial banking has a third cousin waiting in the wings to service retail customers with their banking needs. These institutions are check cashing stores and these establishments will provide that long forgotten "service" we used to demand when American banks had some semblance of a competitive, free market rather than bureaucrat ridden, near- bankrupt institutions that claim to provide money-related service to working adults today.

Check cashing stores provide basic check cashing services once a customer provides proof of identity and certain personal and/or business information. Generally, a copy of a passport, a valid address for mail and a working telephone will be sufficient for cashing personal checks.

Business checks payable to a business may require all of the above, certain internal company formation documents and proof of registration with the Secretary of State.

Money received can be stored in anonymous safe deposit boxes or company safe deposit boxes as described in Privacy Crisis or safes.

One huge benefit of using a check cashing stores is the "cash and carry" principle. Keeping cash under one’s control eliminates a possible lien on accounts and seizures of bank account funds.

Observe how certain people behave as they handle cash. I’ve studied this behavior for years and am amazed as I have seen currency handed to people who immediately become uncomfortable with the "responsibility" of handling their own money.

I’m very comfortable handling money that is mine. I’ve worked hard for it, taken huge risks to make it grow and am doing my best to keep from losing it.

As banks continue to go bankrupt, merge or have attempts made to prop up their stocks by Paulson and his crew, more and more people are assuming the responsibility of doing what I describe in this article; taking full control of their personal funds through the "cash and carry" method of "banking."

Through the understanding that your money is your business and privacy is your right as per our constitution, you too, can begin to take back your freedom by making certain your money remains your business only.

Hall, Grant, Privacy Crisis: Identity Theft Prevention Plan and Guide to Anonymous Living, James Clark King, LLC,

Copyright: James Clark King, LLC, January 24, 2009