Get The Ultimate Asset Protection!

If by chance you have considerable assets and want to provide the most protection available, we recommend that you incorporate by Nevada Nominee Officer; then have your corporation be the incorporator of a Limited Partnership, wherein you migrate the assets to your corporation, and ultimately to your Limited Partnership. Of course, a limited Partnership may have as many as ten General Partners, wherein, you may place your assets.

In the event of a law suit, a Limited Partnership constructed after this fashion affords an attorney more avenues of defense. Actually, it is harder to find a corporation with a Nevada Nominee Officer. More importantly, "corporation wise," there is no better way to cloak your assets from public view, other than remove them from the country.

At NBI we offer this super deluxe service, including every step of protection provided by Nevada for a Nevada Nominee Officer, for the low price of $1475.00. Included are a Resident Agent Stock Ledger (Simple steps to protect your corporate veil from being pierced.); Initial Filing Fees for both entities; Initial List Fees; a Heavy Duty Corporate Kit for your corporation with your corporate name embossed on it; Corporate Federal Tax ID; Full Time Mail Forwarding; 3 month Virtual Office with phone message and fax forwarding; Free Business Consulting; and first year Resident Agency for both entities. Note: For privacy, we use our address as a mailing address on all entity papers.

But wait. If you don’t want to go to the extreme of Ultimate Asset Protection, you can still add a nominee officer ($150.00) for privacy to anyone of our packages, starting at $249.00. Of particular note, Nevada and Wyoming are the only states that offer a nominee officer for privacy. in this vein, we incorporate or organize in either state. Thus a person’s name can be excluded from the public papers on either Secretary’s web site.

Some Other Benefits For Filing A Legal Entity!

Safeguarding assets against the claims of creditors and lawsuits. Sole proprietors and general partners in a partnership are personally responsible for all the liabilities of a business. This includes loans, accounts payable and legal judgments. In a corporate entity, however, stockholders, directors and officers typically are not liable for their company's debts and obligations. They are limited in liability to the amount they have invested in the corporation (Example: If $100 in stock was purchased, no more than $100 can be lost).

Corporations and Limited Liability Companies (LLC's) may also hold personal assets like houses, cars or boats. If one is personally involved in a lawsuit or bankruptcy, these assets may be protected. In other words, a creditor may not seize the assets of the company, however, a person can seize their ownership shares in the corporation, because it is considered a personal asset.

Ownership in a corporation or LLC is easily transferable to others, either in whole or in part. Some state laws are particularly attractive to this end.

Retirement funds and other qualified retirement plans (like 401ks) may be set up more easily with a corporation. Corporations can also fully deduct the cost of paying its owner's health insurance. (By the way, please keep in mind that we have some of the highest paying Corporate SEP Retirement Plans & Annuities available on the market, not to mention that we also do Living Trusts. Plus, we do corporate 401ks.)

Taxation: Corporations are taxed at a lower rate than individuals. Also, corporations can own shares in other corporations and receive corporate dividends 80% tax-free. There are no limits on the amount of losses a corporation may carry forward to subsequent tax years. A sole proprietorship, on the other hand, is not allowed to claim a capital loss greater than $3,000 unless the owner has offsetting capital gains.

Capital from investors can be raised for corporations through the sale of stock (Preferred stock normally is used to accomplish this.).

A corporation is capable of continuing indefinitely. Its existence is not affected by the death of shareholders, directors or officers of the company.

Regardless of an owner's personal credit scores, corporations can acquire their own credit rating, and build a separate credit history by applying for and using corporate credit.

For further information, come and see our site at Nevada's Best Incorporators (, or give us a call, toll free at 877-541-3039.

by Robert, NBI