Escape A Stalker In Twelve Hours

Are you being stalked by an ex-husband or wife, an ex-lover or other persistent, obsessive-compulsive who is dead serious about keeping track of your whereabouts? This article will provide an abbreviated set of instructions to the problem while focusing on three key privacy principles; a new identity, an offshore mailing address, and a new residence. In-depth information on this subject and these concepts may be found in my eBook, Privacy Crisis: Identity Theft Prevention Plan and Guide to Anonymous Living. (

The value of this article’s methodology is the simplicity of the principles and the speed at which one can accomplish the goal of escaping a troublesome and dangerous stalker.

You will break the trail of a stalker when you get a new identity. Once a person is known by a pen name or alternate name for everything except “official business,” the link to the old you is broken.

How to create a new identity? Simply begin using your new name as a privacy policy. There has been no need to make any official announcements, file papers or go before a court to do this, in most western civilization countries. Just to be sure, check the laws in your location and make certain to abide by the current statutes on the books. It’s not necessary to break laws to obtain high-level privacy.

Choose a common first and last name once you have decided to get a new identity to escape your tormentor.

Expect to spend one hour deliberating on name choices for your new identity.

Find an offshore mail service through an internet search that will become an “official” address for the old you. Later, you can notify agencies and companies that have a need to know of your new “official” address.

When your stalker buys a data base report, he will find you are no longer in the country and have essentially “disappeared,” and further stalking efforts will be curtailed.

Western European, English speaking, countries are a good choice. Pick a mail service with a business history that does not require identity documents, and advise them by email that you have mailed payment for their service.

Expect to spend a period of four hours on this project. You now have seven hours to “disappear” to meet your twelve hour time frame for losing the stalker.

There are privacy living options for those wanting to live anonymously and escape the privacy-invasions of data bases that normally contain one’s name and address. Finding a roommate, using your new identity, and settling in your new home under a new name, virtually assures a clean escape from a dangerous, persistent, stalker.

Decide on a city, view the classified ads for roommates online, interview several potential roomies, and call their references and/or do a background check online to rule out beginning your new life with an undesirable roommate.

You will find many homeowners amenable to renting a room to you without a complicated lease or credit check. In fact, most everything can be accomplished via telephone, email and fax. Once you have a couple of promising candidates awaiting your appointment within the next several hours, you are prepared to “disappear” from your old life and you will be free at last.

Pack your car and notify utility companies, property managers and others in writing, of your new offshore address.

Drive away, make certain you are not followed, and settle into your new home under your new identity that you have established to exercise your right to privacy. Later, you can make preparations to travel, bank, work, and live anonymously by following the guidelines provided in Privacy Crisis: Identity Theft Prevention Plan and Guide to Anonymous Living.(

Take a breather, enjoy your new start and learn from your previous negative experiences.

Your privacy matters from this point forward are under your control and you have escaped your stalker within a period of twelve hours.


Hall, Grant, Privacy Crisis: Identity Theft Prevention Plan and Guide to Anonymous Living, James Clark King, LLC, 2006,

Copyright: James Clark King, LLC, February 3, 2009