The Joys (and Profit) of Raising Goats

Keeping livestock is one of the earliest accomplishments of prehistoric man. Animals were domesticated to provide labor, food, and later, companionship. This, along with agriculture, marked great leaps in thinking that sped up the evolution of humans.

Raising Goats

Goats are one of the more common farming animals. They are often seen chewing grass in farms, tied to posts or kept in a fence. They are also one of the earliest domesticated animals, having been adopted by men between 6000 to 7000 B.C. Modern goats are fairly tame, and have the benefit of being smaller than cows or pigs. Raising goats is also relatively cheap, they eat almost anything and are able to graze on any piece of land.

Grazing and Eating

This ability to eat foliage is currently being used as an eco-friendly way to clear grassland. There are brush control and grazing-for-rent services wherein goats are loaned out so that they can eat the plants on a particular piece of land. Since the animals can eat weeds, they are considered more environmentally friendly than lawnmowers or chemicals. Some breeds are known to be particularly good at grazing. Boer goats were developed in South Africa to clear land that men cannot.

This ability to eat anything is one of the reasons raising goats is so affordable. Whereas traditional pets such as dogs and cats may require high maintenance and specialized food, goats eat just about anything. Compared to farm animals such as cows and pigs, goats can be left on their own and they can feed themselves.

Milk and Dairy

Most people enjoy raising goats because they are relatively tame animals. There are even goat breeds that were developed to act as pets. African Pygmy goats are short animals with stocky bodies. They were first displayed in American zoos in the 1950s.

People who enjoy having goats as pets typically have dairy goats. This is so they can earn a profit simply from breeding and raising animals. Since goats only produce milk when they’re pregnant, the constant breeding is necessary, and the kids that are born can then be sold to other goat breeders.

Raising goats for dairy can be time consuming. There is the requirement for regular milking and breeding. But these breeders have the benefit of keeping pets while earning, without needing to harm their animals.

Goat Meat

Goat meat is becoming more popular due to its health benefits. It is low in cholesterol, fat and saturated fat, while containing protein comparable to beef or pork. There are also a migration of peoples of various descent who regularly consume goat meet due to preference or culture.

There are certain breeds of meat goats that practically guarantee a profit. Raising goats for meat provides profit not just from the carcass, but also from the skin and hair of the animals. Meat goats are also bred to grow fast, for example Boer goats can grow 200 grams a day in their first year.

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